Thursday, January 14, 2016

Toss those Routines out the Window for a Night

Photo Courtesy of mrsiraphol at
Tom's Pancake House in Beaverton and the Original Pancake House in Portland offer breakfast all day. Try something different and have breakfast for dinner!

It is easy to get stuck in the "married routine trap." The routine kiss goodbye, packing a lunch, grocery shopping, family dinners, putting kids to bed, watching TV, and even intimacy can get routine if we're not careful. Sometimes a marriage could use a good spontaneity.  

Just like these restaurants, serving breakfast all day is a big perk to customers. Why? Eating eggs and pancakes at dinner time is not routine! It gives your taste buds a change and it is also so delicious. 

How can you bring spontaneity into your marriage? What routines in your life need a little mix up? More importantly, what does the spontaneity communicating to your spouse? It can say "Hey! I am crazy about you! You are more than just my business partner that lives under the same roof. You are my best friend, lover, and companion."

Here are some spontaneous ideas to do on your date, to get your creative juices flowing.

  • Turn up the radio and dance together.
  • Kiss. Kiss hard, and mean it.
  • Put some lingerie on underneath your clothes. 
  • Drive around and get lost.
  • Find a place to "park."
  • Show up to your spouse's work before the date with a small gift and card letting them know you are looking forward to your time together alone.
  • Dress up extra fancy.
  • Go to an airport and have an "airport scene."
  • Have a karaoke sing along in the car. 
  • Make a playlist especially for the date. 
  • Dress up extra nerdy. Fanny pack, high socks, and take pictures.
  • Go to the thrift store to prepare for the activity above.
  • From the restaurant, flip a quarter (heads, left; tails right) to determine where you'll go next. 
  • The usual driver gets in the passenger seat.

As silly and childish this may seem - it all boils down to one word. Effort. You are showing your spouse you don't take them for granted and you are going to go a little out of your routine comfort zone to prove it. 

With all the nurturing of emotional intimacy, the odds are high that physical intimacy will happen too! Everybody wins. 

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