Dating Tips

Dating Tips

We have created this resource for married couples, but the reality is that people in all stages of relationships can benefit from these ideas. If you are not married just modify the language in your head to fit your relationship status.

Why Should You Keep Dating?

What would happen if you only made withdrawals from your checking account? For a while everything would be just fine but eventually your balance would hit zero. The same is true for your relationship account. Because neither of you are perfect it is impossible not to make withdrawals from your relationship bank account. As long as the sum of your deposits are greater than the sum of your withdrawals then you will never have to experience relationship bankruptcy.

Going on dates with your spouse can be a lot of fun and is a great way to make deposits into your relationship account.

How Can You Start Dating Your Spouse Again?

If everyone who reads this tip just decides to start dating their spouse on a weekly basis, guess how many couples will actually do it? Zero! You can't just decide to do something you have to DO IT!!! Deciding is only the first step. All actions begin as thoughts but not all thoughts become actions.

So take action right now and call your spouse and set up a date for this week.

If you want to get into the habit of dating your spouse each week we recommend you use a Track It To a Habit Log TM. This tool can help you establish the habit of dating your spouse every week. To print the worksheet click here.  Instead of scoring yourself on a daily basis, score yourself on a weekly basis as you go on your date.

Healthy Marriage Dating Tips
Get out of your comfort zone so you can create memories that will last a life time. 
It is critical that you commit to making your dates a conflict free time zone. The reason you are going on the date is to strengthen your relationship-fighting won't help that. As soon as you feel a conflict coming on take a time out, commit to discussing the issue at a specific time in the future, then redirect the focus, for example try taking a trip down memory lane by sharing some of your favorite memories you have had together.
There is plenty of time in the week to discuss problems. While you are on a date should never be one of those times. Dating is a time for having fun and strengthening your relationship.
Didn't we already mention that!? But some couples need to be reminded so here is your reminder. Make the choice to HAVE FUN on your date!!!

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