Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Disc Golf

Photo Courtesy of commons.wikimedia.org
This game uses a disc that is shaped very similar to a Frisbee. Individual players take turns throwing the flying disc into a basket or a target. The courses are designed kind of like an outdoor golf course with either 9 or 18 "holes," or disc baskets. The object of the game is to have the fewest amount of throws of the disc by the end of the game. It’s great fun! 

The Portland area has multiple disc golf courses which are all very scenic and enjoyable to walk through. Check out this map at oregondiscgolf.com for the locations of the disc golf courses in the area. You can purchase the proper disc golf discs at websites like Amazon. The discs are a little smaller and heavier than regular Frisbee's so take time to get a proper disc before playing. 

Relationship Reconnection:

At each hole try and throw the disc in a fun way. Try throwing under the leg, spinning around, while standing backwards, or with your eyes closed and have the other person be the guide and tell you where to throw. Playing the game in this way will challenge you both and demonstrate how well you communicate together. The key is to avoid conflict and work together to get the disc to the proper goal point. There is no winner in this game - you both have to reach the end together!

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